The present formulation has been elaborated by the combination of distinct elements of natural origin, in which each one has received the pharmacologic dilution principles, obtaining the specificity and weight in milligrams to treat specific symptoms/signs of the most common adverse effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting.
When selecting the diverse elements that take part in the micro-dose, we classify by group according to the action target that takes place in the organism; specifically, by the pharmaceutical effect, obtaining a synergy amongst different elements from each group without competing or antagonizing. The final effect is different and superior with the sum of its parts, where we have a greater pharmacological effect so we can treat some of the adverse effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting. For instance, the removal of just one element, say, the removal of nausea, would yield a small effect because it is necessary to increase the natural antiemetic potency since chemotherapy’s toxic load is very high. It is vital to cover the different stages of chemotherapy in order to track the appearance of different chemotherapy side effects. This product in its global function, integrated by its multiple elements, when coming to the individual’s organism in form of sublingual tablets, is not separated since it works together in groups acting at the same time in different action areas; therefore, we can group the different participating elements in their own sphere of action, such as:
GI tract complaints are one of the most common reasons why patients seek medical attention. Nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal distention, flatulence, abdominal colic, etc., are some of the main reasons for attention since they vary from mild to severe.
For this reason, a great amount of complaints correspond to the functional category. The origin of these maladies could be multi-factor, but what pertains to this great diversity of GI is the fact that they are all commonly present themselves as an adverse effect of chemotherapy either in one or several ailments.
The intestinal mucosal immune system is a defense mechanism that guarantees the special attention from the competent immune cells placed at the Peyer patches; even though, the intestinal system is also in charge of antigens, specifically with the intention of developing oral tolerance to useful substances. This mechanism serves as a model for the immune-modulator of the new formulation in the immune assistance reaction.
The intestinal immune system has developed a singular immune response towards toxins. This is because mucosal surfaces possess a high number of regulating T-cells, from which TH3 Cells and Supressor T cells are the most important for this purpose.
TH3 Cells are an important fountain for the Beta growing-transforming factor and they are useful to restore the normal oscillating balance between TH1 and TH2 cells.
The TH3 cell is inducted through small dilutions of elements contained in the formulation. The cells’ clones will be attracted by the chemokines to any place in which inflammation takes places. This will regulate a tendency at the low TH1 cells; therefore, balancing the relationship between TH1/TH2. This regulation action induced by the formulation, can be used not only for auto-immunity to induce tolerance to the affected tissue after chemotherapy. It can also be used to regulate the downward inflammation tendency, not only in the intestine, but the whole body.
In addition, the liver is one of the main organs participating in the body’s protection mechanism. It is beneficial since it plays an important role in the body’s detox process. Blood coming through the intestine through the portal vein outflows there. It has a great importance in the development of tolerance to certain foods, and also accordingly, carries away the toxicity generated by the chemotherapeutic medicine along with the rest of the organs, but mainly in the GI tract:
Elements participating in the GI tract:
– Colchicum autumnale
– Ipecacuanha
– Nux vomica
– Veratrum album
The contents of the elements participating in the action sphere in the nervous system are utilized since we have found them to contain other effects to treat an ample spectrum of symptoms, particularly very specific properties: sedating, and anticonvulsive at a lesser level. They do not affect essential cognitive functions such as time and orientation, place and spatial functions at mental level. This produces an emotional relaxation effect as a neuroprotective result against global cerebral damage triggered by oxidative stress induced by chemotherapy. At the same time, it produces a secondary myorelaxant effect from a central level (central nervous system)
Elements participating at the nervous system level:
– Conium maculatum
– Pulsatilla pratensis
– Argentum nitricum
These produce the following relief possibilities:
– Stimulation of blocked enzymatic systems because of digestive ailments after chemotherapy application,
– Stimulation of defense mechanisms in functional gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders.
– Neuroprotective effect against global harm provoked by oxidative stress due to chemotherapy.